Cybersecurity Services

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Cybersecurity Management 

Reduce data breach risks by 96% with zero manual intervention.

Spry Squared stands as your reliable partner in offering a spectrum of solutions through Endpoint Managed Services, Managed Network Solutions, Cybersecurity Solutions designed meticulously for commercial and government clients. Leveraging leading cybersecurity technologies, we ensure a fortified defense against cyber threats.

  • Security and Risk Management
  • Asset Security
  • Security Engineering
  • Communications and Network Security
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Security Assessment and Testing
  • Security Operations

We provide common sense security support with a full enterprise view and a focus on new and emerging technology and concepts that are cost effective, and when implemented will benefit our clients.

CYBER Awareness

  • SECURITY Posture
  • EMAIL Threats
  • ENDPOINT Security & Threats
  • SECURITY Education
  • VULNERABILITY Management Education
  • DATA Protection Requirements
  • DNS Protection
  • NETWORK Awareness
  • Why LOG Monitoring
  • CMMC Requirements
  • COMPLIANCE Requirements

CYBER Awareness helps to educate organizations and their employees on protecting themselves from cyebrsecurity attacks

CYBER Awareness - Get Employee Security Training & Help Reduce Security Risk In Your Organization. Train and test your employees with automatic phishing simulations, spear phishing simulations, and how to recongnise, avoid & report.

CYBER Readiness

  • SECURITY Accessment
  • EMAIL Threat Protection
  • ENDPOINT Protection
  • DARKWEB Scanning/Monitoring
  • SECURITY Awareness Training
  • VULNERABILITY Management
  • DATA Protection
  • DNS Protection
  • NETWORK Monitoring
  • LOG Monitoring (SIEM)
  • CMMC Readiness Assessment
  • COMPLIANCE Assessment

CYBER Readiness Program can help you protect your data, your employees, your vendors, and your customers.

CYBER Readiness - Is the state of being able to detect and effectively respond to computer security breaches and intrusions, malware attacks, phishing attacks, theft of data and intellectual property from both outside and inside the network.

CYBER Capabilities

  • CYBERSECURITY as a Service
  • VULNERABILITY Management as a Service
  • SIEM as a Service
  • SOC as a Service
  • MANAGED IT Services
  • MALICIOUS Firmware Detection
  • CYEBRSECURITY Professional Services
  • vCISO
  • CMMC as a Service
  • RISK Management Framewok Reviews

CYBER Capabilites - We can support all your cybersecurity needs from protecting , monitoring and compliance.

CYBER Capabilties - Our goal is to ensure that the organization accomplishes its assigned cyber mission, maintains its day-to day functions, and protects its data, devices, assets, and information.

Contact us today to discuss your

Cybersecurity needs and/or goals.